Tropical Battery plans Additional Public Offering as it bets on stored-energy and EV market growth
Tropical Battery Company Limited nearly doubled its gross operating revenue to J$1.61 billion, a 99.5 per cent year-over-year increase for the first quarter ended December 31, 2024. However, overall net profit fell by 50.9 per cent to J$35.5 million, primarily due to a 569.5 per cent rise in finance costs, significantly affecting bottom line. This was mainly driven by increased debt servicing expenses, which aligned with ongoing expansion strategy. Management indicates that this debt will be paid down considerably by the cash raised from the upcoming secondary public offering, targeted to close before March 31, 2025, management stated. Management noted that while “overall sales performance was impressive, Rose Batteries' sales were below budget due to the cyclical impact of the U.S. election cycle.” The company is nevertheless optimistic about its lines of business which are developing in tandem with market trends. The global energy storage market is projected to expand from U...