BCMG increases risk management oversight: Launches surveys-as-a -service

Insurance brokers in Jamaica often send underwriters themselves to survey risks; however, they frequently do not have the technical knowledge required to produce the best results.

BCMG Insurance Brokers Limited (BCMG) in response, introduced - in support of the wider brokerage industry - an updated surveys-as-a service product which has been embraced by the wider community as groundbreaking.

Senior Risk Manager on the New Business Team of BCMG David Lazarus explains, “We saw where the technical details and in-depth knowledge of the intricacies of business operations were not always being taken into consideration. This was seen as an opportunity to expand into this space.”

In 2020, Billy Craig Insurance Brokers and Maritime General Insurance Brokers, MGI, signed an agreement to merge their operations to form BCMG Insurance Brokers Limited.

Following the union, the new company has been exploring options to expand the service capability of the brokerage and increase value for clients.

Lazarus recalls, “We needed an approach to risk management that involved personal contact with our clients’ businesses to leverage our experience in the market as a tool to mitigate claims and take a proactive approach to prevent losses.”

Typically, this level of surveying is not offered within brokerages in Jamaica. It is usually outsourced and it is very costly for the client when deemed necessary by underwriters.

The Senior Risk Manager stated, “BCMG has hence greatly separated itself by acquiring and offering this capability.”

Previously, Lazarus did site visits under the guidance of then Managing Director, Thomas Smith, “Whose wealth of expertise helped to shape the form of the information gathered into what would generally be accepted by international standards,” he said.

BCMG has additionally integrated the use of drone photography, which gives the ability to show potential local and overseas underwriters detailed aerial imagery of properties to bolster information gathering on any measures proposed to mitigate risk.

Under the merged company, BCMG has also integrated the use of thermographic photography and analyses as well as 3D property photography and renderings in its arsenal.

Coming soon will be investments in 360 degree photography which would literally allow partners in the market to take a “walk through” of the site/buildings.

David Lazarus as Senior Risk Manager plays an integral role in growing the company’s book of business as a General Commercial Broker, helping to keep BCMG on a growth path since the merger and formation of the company in 2021.

In November 2024, he visited FM Global Research Campus in Rhode Island in the United States, a body dedicated to studying and developing data driven approaches to risk management.

Lazarus states, “This experience and information was simply a game changer for BCMG. We can now offer our clients information that is driven by proven, world-class engineering standards.

“With these things in mind, we hope to position ourselves as leaders in the market in offerings as a brokerage and as a partner for our clients.”

Lazarus has over ten years of experience in the insurance industry (initially starting his career with MGI (Insurance Brokers) Ltd.).

William Craig, Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors at BCMG and CEO, says “Lazarus enables BCMG to stand out in the market as he is the company’s in-house Risk Surveyor, a craft which he has been honing since 2018.

“He brings key knowledge and insight to the team both for General Insurance as well as the International Health and Employee Benefits side. In this capacity, he is able to give detailed analyses for both Property and Casualty risks and offer clients key Risk Management tools by leveraging cutting-edge technology to identify and mitigate potential exposures.”

Craig as company head is responsible for providing strategic direction in setting and implementing the company’s mandate and strategy.

Formerly the CEO of Billy Craig Insurance Brokers, William has worked in the insurance industry for over 25 years, after an extensive career in the local banking industry. During his tenure as CEO, he grew the revenues of Billy Craig by over 300 per cent.

Photo caption: David Lazarus, Senior Risk Manager at BCMG Insurance Brokers Limited says surveys as a service provides a knowledge-centred approach to risk management.


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